The Lundberg Family "Tree"


The Lundberg Family "Tree"

Forever Home

Home is that one special place

in your heart and mind that calls

to you when you’re away

and leads you back to what you know.


I wasn’t born directly here

or raised in this sacred spot

like my dad was before me

with all his brothers and sisters.


But I am still drawn to these

mountains, forests and meadows.

It is, to me, all too familiar.

This is where my center is.


It’s where I will always know

where I came from in this world.

Like a spruce will grow to heights

but always be rooted in one soil.


My grandpa carved this field by hand

and built a house, a farm, a home.

The house, now unstable, but still it stands

as a monument to his labors.


My grandma raising six children

some nights by lamplight holding the young.

Coyotes with their curious eyes

would peek into the windowsills.


Children grow up and move away

to start new lives and families.

The house grows silent and vacant

never forgotten, but left alone.


This is “God’s Country”, his creation

of nature, beauty and seasons

that cycle over and over again.

The rhythm of cycles never ends.


Many years later, I am here now.

My roots are embedded in this ground.

To me and all the branches of the tree

this place is and will forever be home.


                                Allan A. Lundberg


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